Friday, February 18, 2005


Roadside Monkeys!

Ran into a family of monkeys on the roadside on the way to work today. They were just chillin' until we busted out some grain, at which point momma came crashing out of the tree and scared off all the young punks. It's obvious that in monkey society, momma gets first dibs, especially when she's carrying a baby like this one was.

I'm also including some pics of some of the trucks here. Every industrial truck is artistically painted, right down to painting demon faces on the differentials - they even have a celebration once a year where everyone decorates their rigs.

Finally, I've tacked on some photos of Satya Sai Baba Hospital, which is a huge, very nice hospital situated somewhat outside the main city, and all treatment there is free. The guy who runs the hospital, Sri Satya Sai Baba (here's a link about him ->, it is somewhat of an icon around here, and so they get a lot of donations to keep the place going. You can even get open-heart surgery here, all for free. Isn't that the way hosiptals should be?

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